Iraqi National Journal of Earth Science (2025)

Vol. 24 No. 2 (2024)


Sedimentological Study of Bajawan Formation (Late Oligocene) in Selected Wells from Kirkuk Oil Field, Northeastern Iraq

Farah Al-Mowla, Rafee Al-Hameedy (Author)

July 2024 ,Pages 1.0-20.0

Abstract: The sequences of the Bajawan Formation (late Oligocene), have been studied in three sub surfaces sections from the Kirkuk oil field. These wells (K-183), (K-218), and (K-246) are located on the Baba dome of the Kirkuk anticline. The study included an analysis of 60 cutting-thin sections at different depths of the Formation in the three wells. The successions of the formation, which have a thickness of about 35,20 and 60 meters respectively, consist of limestone and dolomitic limestone. Petrographically the formation consists from skeletal grainswhich includs shells and bioclastes of benthic foraminifera represented by the genera Miliolid (Quinquiloculina sp., Triloculina sp.) and the rotalids represented by the genus (Rotalia sp.), as well as red and green algae, echinoderms, bryoza, sponges and It also contains non-skeletal grains such as peloids and rock fragment. The formation sequences have shown the effects of digenesis processes represented by dissolution, dolomitization, cementation, micritization, and neomorphism.Microfacies analysis studies have shown that the sequences of the Bajawan Formation consist of two mains successive microfacies: lime wackstone facies, and lime packstone facies. In turn, these three microfacies are subdivided into thirteen sub-microfacies, indicating that the formation was deposited in the environment of the inner ramp and the middle ramp, which reflects a relative shallwing in the depositional environment of the formation


Biostratigraphy of Planktic Foraminiferal of Shiranish Formation in Diana Area, Northern Iraq

russll Al-salmani, Abdullah ALhadidi, Mohammed Al-Haj (Author)

July 2024 ,Pages 21.0-42.0

Abstract: Biostratigraphy of the Shiranish Formation is investigated in Zozik anticline located whithin high folded zone .Depending on lithology of the Shiranish Formation in the studied section is devided to three rock uints, lower unit consisting of marly limestone, middle units consisting of Limestone ,marly limestone, and shale and the upper units consisting of Limestone and marly limestone. Shiranish formation in the Diana area is bounded from below by the Bakhma Formation with a unconformity relationship, and from above by the clastic Tanjero Formation with a conformity and gradual relationship. The purpose of this paper is to record the planktic foraminiferal and determinmind the biostratigraphy zones, and correlation them locally and regional to determine the age of formatio. In this paper has been determined 50 species of planktic foraminifera are described in 48 samples. The formation divided ito four biozones (Radotrucana calcarata Interval biozone,Globotruncanella havanensis Interval Biozone, Globotruncana aegyptiaca Interval Biozone, Gansserina gansseri Total Biozone) Based on this, the age of formation was determined by the Late Campanian to Early Maastrichtian.


Evaluation of the Reservoir Properties of The Aaliji and Jaddala Formation in Selected Wells from The Jambur and Kirkuk Oil Fields in Northeastern Iraq

Wissam Mohammed, Amaar Muhammed, Faris Hassan (Author)

July 2024 ,Pages 43.0-53.0

Abstract: A number of logs have been studied, represented by the Gamma Ray Log, the Density Log, the Neutron Log and the Sonic Log for a number of wells in the Jambur and Kirkuk oil fields in northeastern Iraq, namely the Ja-40 well, the K-243 well and the K-411 well for the Aaliji Formation and the Jaddala Formation formation, through which the total size of the shale was determined based on the Gamma ray log reading by special equations and then the total porosity was determined based on the reading of the density and neutron logs. After being corrected from the influence of gas using approved mathematical equations. The primary porosity was calculated using acoustic sensor reading after being corrected from shale and hydrocarbons effect and then calculating the secondary porosity from subtracting the primary porosity from the total porosity. After that, the study compositions in each well were divided into five reservoir units for both formations from top to bottom (A, B, C, D, E) and determine which is the best porosity and which is the least porous, as it was found that unit A in the upper Jaddala formation of the best porous units while unit E below Aaliji formation of the lowest porous units.


A New Vision for Reservoir Routing with Different Scenarios: A Case Study of Haditha Dam Reservoir /Western Iraq.

Ban Ahmed, Sabbar Saleh (Author)

July 2024 ,Pages 54.0-71.0

Abstract: his new methodology in the study is concerned with finding the optimal and safest operating level of the reservoir that corresponds to the amount of discharges coming out of the Haditha Dam and determine the optimal and safest operational level and in return produces less submerged areas and less contact with the rock exposés of the formations in the study area. A flowchart has been developed for the follow-up methodology and this new and innovative methodology for flood tracking and can be applied to all types of reservoirs in the world, the process of follow-up in this study represents a new and modern innovative method that was not used previously, and several hypotheses were adopted as a basis for the follow-up process, and three mathematical models were used for the purpose of the follow-up process, namely, the equation for determining the amount of demand in the downstream in order to find out the amount of water that is wasted, and the equation of the level-storage in a modern dam reservoir to know the amount of storage achieved against Each level, and the ratio relationship - the size of the storage of the (assumed) Baghdadi Dam, whose results were derived from the geometric analysis, and the calculation of the storage difference for the process of follow-up in several ways and finding the relationship between them and the level difference and finding sources of fluctuation and variation in these readings and suggesting several causes for them.


The Geochemical Characteristics of Mineral Spring Water at Nineveh Governorate, Northern Iraq

Sura Al-Ali, Aahed Al-Mallah (Author)

July 2024 ,Pages 72.0-90.0

Abstract: Twenty-three samples were collected from different springs in Nineveh Governorate to determine the quality and type of the prevailing water during two seasons . The samples were analyzed to determine the dominant cations (Ca, Mg, Na, K) and anions (HCO3, SO4, Cl, NO3) as well as physicochemical properties (pH, EC and TDS). The results of the classification of Piper and Stiff showed that the water quality in all the samples for the two seasons is normal earth alkaline water type with the prevailing sulfates and chlorides by(83%)of the total samples except the samples : (Sw5) is earth alkaline water with increased alkali with prevailing bicarbonate,(Sw17) is normal earth alkaline water with prevailing bicarbonate,(Ss13)is normal earth alkaline water with prevailing bicarbonate and sulfates or chlorides and the sample (Ss4) is earth alkaline water with an increase in alkalinity with prevailing sulfates and chlorides. These samples constitute (17%)of the total samples. The results of the analysis showed that the dominance of calcium ion over the rest of the cations, followed by Mg , Na , K , and predominance SO4 over the rest of the anions, followed by HCO3, Cl, NO3. The Water Quality Index (WQI)indicated that all samples were unsuitable for drinking for the two seasons except the samples : (Ss4) very poor, (Ss5)poor and (Ss17) good for drinking water. The results of several classifications used for irrigation purposes showed that the spring water of the study area classiffied as excellent water for irrigation except sample (Ss5) was good for irrigation


Experimental Investigations of Some Clays Industrial Wastes as Recyclable Materials for the Production of Blended Cement

Hatem Eldesouky, Mohamed Heikal, Gehad Saleh, Ramadan Elshafey, Hamada Elony (Author)

July 2024 ,Pages 1.0-18.0

Abstract: This study deals with a comparative experimental investigation study on the clays industrial wastes as recyclable materials in blended cement production. In spite of the fact that waste of fired clay bricks (WFCBs), ground or broken bricks, waste of ceramic tiles (WCTs), and waste of vitrified clay pipes (WVCPs) are silicates solid waste, their management recycling has the best environmental, social, and economic aspects. The implementation of these wastes as recyclable materials in wall materials, mortar, and concrete was used as raw materials or cement additives as pozzolanic materials for rapid urbanization and improvement of construction and high pollution rates in the developing countries such as Egypt. A large amounts of these wastes has been produced from factories for producing clay bricks, ceramic tiles, and vitrified clay pipes, as well as construction operations, building improvement, and the demolition of old buildings. The mortar microscopic structures were observed by scanning electronic microscope (SEM), while hydration minerals were studied using X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) as well as differential thermal analysis (DTA).These wastes, as artificial pozzolanic materials, rise the setting time of cement products. The average strength of compressive and flexural accelerates at early age slower than later age. The study aimed to reduce construction solid waste and conserve raw material resources. These wastes are widespread in the Egyptian provinces, and there is very a little available information on their chemical composition and mineral components


Evaluation of Vertical Stress in Southern Iraq: A Comprehensive Analysis Using Well Log Data and Software Modification

hiba AL-tawel, Rwaida Abdul Majeed, Alyaa Abdullah (Author)

July 2024 ,Pages 19.0-32.0

Abstract: Vertical stress evaluation is pivotal in the domains of well construction and sand production assessment. This research focuses on estimating vertical stress within the Nahr Umr, Shuaiba, and Zubair layers at depths of 2737.5, 2990.83, and 3083m, respectively, within the Rumaila oil field. Various methodologies, including extrapolation, Miller, Amoco, Wendt non-acoustic, Traugott, and averaging density methods using Techlog 2021, are employed to predict vertical stress.Significantly, the extrapolation method excels in shallow depth calculations, while the Miller method accurately represents actual density values at greater depths, particularly within the Nahr Umr, Shuaiba, and Zubair layers. Remarkably close alignment is observed between the vertical stress values obtained from the Miller and extrapolation methods. For example, at the specified depths, the Miller method yields stress values of 8980, 9373, and 9981 psi, closely resembling the extrapolation method's results of 8987, 9373, and 9987 psi. Alternative techniques, including the Amoco, Wendt non-acoustic, Traugott, and average density methods, yield comparable outcomes. These approaches rely solely on density records as inputs and provide consistent apparent density values from the surface to the intended depth.Incorporating these findings into geomechanical modeling enhances comprehension of rock behavior under varying loads, offering valuable insights for optimized well construction and sand production management strategies. This research underscores the critical importance of understanding vertical stress as a cornerstone in achieving these objectives


Facies Analysis, Biostratigraphy, and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Lower Eocene Sinjar Formation, Duhok Area, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

Ashti Barzani, fadhil LAWA, Basim Al-Qayim (Author)

July 2024 ,Pages 33.0-61.0

Abstract: The Sinjar Formation in the Duhok area, Kurdistan region, Iraq, is characterized by lateral and vertical mixed carbonates and siliciclastic facies. Therefore, the main target of this work is to identify the diagnostic lithofacies and microfacies of the carbonate successions of the Sinjar Formation. The carbonate-predominant Sinjar Formation was deposited as patchy reefs that show interfingering, along with the siliciclastic-dominated turbidites facies of the Kolosh Formation (Lower to Upper Paleocene). The depositional environments of the Sinjar Formation have been recorded as inner to middle shelf deposition settings based on the micro and macrofossil associations and facies indications. The inner shelf successions included three microfacies, dolomitized mudstone and wackestone, which show alternations with proximal Turbidites facies (sandy conglomerates). In comparison, the middle shelf represents five microfacies: framestone, coral-algal wackestone, microbial bioclastic wackestone, packstone, and grainstone microfacies, and shows alterations with the middle to distal turbidite facies. The recorded shallow larger benthic foraminiferal biozones are: 1) Orbitolites complanata –Saudia labrynthica – Opetorbitolites Assemblage Zone; 2) Idalina sinjraica- Alveolina globosa- Rotalia trochidiformis Assemblage’s zone. They are indicating Ypresian age. The mixed carbonates and siliciclastic parasequences evolutions have been used to identify the stacking patterns response to the eustatic sea level changes. The studied successions represent one complete third-order depositional system, started with sequence boundary type two at its base and capped by sequence boundary type one, manifested as an incised valley between the patchy reef-marine Sinjar deposits and the non-marine molasses of the Gercus Formation.


Detecting the effect of soil compaction processes on the distribution of subsurface resistivity using 2D resistivity imaging

Auday Al-Mashhadany, Bashar Al-Juraisy, Mahmoud Ahmed, Marwan Mutib (Author)

July 2024 ,Pages 62.0-71.0

Abstract: In many countries, some buildings are constructed on compacted soil brought from another site. Therefore, the soil examination of the physical and engineering properties one of the important procedures in civil engineering to determine the characteristics and amount of buildings volume that this soil can bear.There are several methods to test the physical and engineering properties of the compacted soil as well as to identify its suitability for construction; some of them are laboratory methods, while others are field methods by conducting various geophysical surveys, which is considered one of the most important field methods as it provides wide coverage of the test site. The current study aimed to show the variation in the effect of the soil compaction process on the distribution of its resistivity, determine the subsurface distribution of soil components, and attempt to determine the effect of the compaction process on the same soil type. A 2D resistivity imaging was conducted an area of land inside the University of Mosul estimated to be about 11,000 m2, which was filled with soil transferred from another site and then compacted.The study included a 2D resistivity imaging of 10 profiles with a length of 40 m. for each profile and a distance of 30 m. between one profile and another.The results of the study showed that there is the difference in the soil resistivity distribution after the compaction as a result of the variation in size gradient and the variation in compaction degree on the burial soil.


An Assessment of Heavy Metals Soil Pollution and Health Risk Around Industrial District in Qayarah Area, Northern Iraq

Ibraheem Baddi, Aahed Al-Mallah, Fawzi Omer (Author)

July 2024 ,Pages 72.0-87.0

Abstract: Industrial district as well as human and natural activity are the main source of pollution in Al-Qayarah city area . These sources release pollutants into nearby areas. Twenty-six soil samples were selected at a depth of (0-30) centimeters and heavy metals (As, Cd, Co, Cr, Ni, Pb) were analyzed using ICP-MS technique, in addition to measuring some physicochemical properties of the soil such as pH, EC, OM. Contamination factor, enrichment factor, pollution loading index, and long-term carcinogenic risk estimation were calculated based on exposure through ingestion, dermal contact, and inhalation. The average values of pH, EC, and OM% were 7.7, 3.37 dS/m, and 2.35% respectively. The average concentrations of As, Cd, Co, Cr, Ni, and Pb were (6.40, 0.205, 18.68, 101.46, 159.06, and 9.93) ppm respectively.The significance of the contamination and enrichment factors, as well as the pollution loading index, for heavy elements ranged from low to medium values. The pollution loading index for the contaminated samples followed the following order:AB6>QR1>AB5>AB4>QF8>AB3>AB2>GS4>QF7>QR2>QF9.Whereas, the enrichment and pollution factors for heavy elements followed the following order: As>Ni>Cd>Cr>Pb>Co. The values of the total carcinogenicity factor through ingestion, dermal contact, and inhalation were (1.2x10-4), (6.91x10-4), and (7.85x10-3) respectively, all exposure pathways to studied pollutants are in the following order : Carcinogenic inhalation hazard > Carcinogenic skin hazard > Carcinogenic oral hazard. Site AB6 is considered the most polluted due to the impact of most influential factors and a high probability of cancer risk.


Mineralogical and Geochemical Characteristics of Dur Al-Najaf Gemstones from Al-Najaf Province, Central Iraq

Maher Mahdi, basim Soltan, Muqdad Sadkhan, hussein Ghalib (Author)

July 2024 ,Pages 88.0-99.0

Abstract: Dur Al-Najaf is considered one of the most distinguished semi-precious stones in Iraq, especially in the province of Najaf. A field survey was conducted in the areas within the Bahr Al-Najaf region and among the recent sediments and the Dibdibba Formation. The study aims to analyze the mineral and chemical makeup of this semi-precious stone, categorize its type, provide an overview of its typical attributes, and ascertain the origins and geographical distribution of these semi-precious stones. The samples underwent examination from a sedimentological, mineralogical, and geochemical perspective. Four distinct samples of stones, each representing a different color variant, underwent examination to explore their petrology through polarized light microscopy and mineralogy via XRD analysis. Additionally, three more stones were subject to SEM analysis. The results revealed three types of these stones which are pure type, oily type (gray), and Al-Husseini type (reddish brown). Results of XRD, XRF, and EDX analysis showed that these stones are various forms of pure sedimentary quartz mineral. Some of these stones contain impurities that give them varying colors, such as gray, which may have resulted from a high concentration of CaO, or red to reddish color, resulting from high FeO concentrations. These stones represent pieces of quartz minerals included in the components of the Dibdibba Formation, which resulted from the erosion and crushing of igneous rocks from the Arabian Shield that spread to wide extents in the Najaf Plateau.


Nummulite Biozonation of Dammam Formation During the Eocene Epoch from Samawa and Nasiriya Cities, Southwestern Desert of Iraq

Falah Hussein, Maher Mahdi, Abbas Muhamed (Author)

July 2024 ,Pages 100.0-124.0

Abstract: The lithology of the Dammam Formation is limestone, dolomitic limestone, and dolomite rocks, which are also used as raw materials in the manufacture of cement. The shallow marine environment gave it these characteristics. The Eocene succession was described and illustrated in two complete sections in the Samawah and Nasiriyah regions. Determine the age of the formation accurately in the form of multiple biozones. Biostrtigraphicaly, the Dammam Formation was divided into six main biozones include 1. Nummulites deserti- Nummulites fraasi range zone: Early Eocene (E.Ypresian age), 2. Nummulites lucasanus range zone: Early Eocene (L.Ypresian age), 3. Nummulites globulus- Nummulites Zettie: Middle Eocene (E. Lutetian age), 4.Nummulites gizehensis- Nummulites discorbinus- Nummulites planulatus Assemblage Zone: Middle Eocene (L.Lutetian) age this zone is divided into three subbiozones a) Lockhartia alveolata Interval subzone: Middle Eocene (early Late Lutetian age); b) Nummulites milacaput range subzone: Middle Eocene (middle Late Lutetian age); c) Nummulites elevate range subzone: Middle Eocene (late Late Lutetian) age, 5. Nummulites striatus range Zone Middle Eocene (Bartonian), and finally 6. Nummulites incressatus range Zone: L.Eocene age (Priabonian). The study emphasizes the different sedimentation times of the Dammam Formation during the Eocene epoch across various sections in Iraq. It details the identification of biozones in the E.Eocene (Ypresian) and M.Eocene (Lutetian) ages, along with the lack of precise age determination for the Bartonian and Priabonian ages. The study suggests that the Bartonian age may start with the appearance of N. striatus and transition to the Priabonian age with the presence of N. incressatus.


Mineralogical and Geochemical Variations Across the Paleocene-Eocene Sinjar Formation, Dokan Area, Northeastern Iraq

noor al_taee, Ali Al-jubory, Imad Ghafor, Harry Rowe, Giovanni Zanoni, David Dettman (Author)

July 2024 ,Pages 125.0-139.0

Abstract: The Paleocene-Eocene (P-E) Sinjar Formation from Kalka Smaq section, Dokan area, Sulaimaniya, northeastern Iraq has been studied in terms of mineralogy and geochemistry using X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) supported by Scanning Electron Microscopic (SEM) and elemental X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) geochemical analyses in addition to stable isotopic C and O analysis. The study revealed indications for mineralogical and elemental variation across the P-E transition which may refer to the regionally recognized depositional and paleoclimate changes of the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) in the region. The dominance of shallow marine water deposition is interrupted by fresh-water deposition accompanied by increase in temperature suggesting the warming conditions in the Eocene. This result is supported by mineralogical variation in calcite, Mg-calcite and dolomite accompanied with anomalies in δ18O and δ13C data and variation in CaO, MgO, SiO2, TiO2, Fe2O3, and Al2O3 in addition to Co, Ni, Sr and Ba elemental data which in general may suggest the increase in precipitation and low effect of weathering across the P-E transition boundary in the region.


Hydrogeological Assessment of The Aquifers in Kirkuk City, Iraq

Sardar Salih, Omer Al-Tamimi (Author)

July 2024 ,Pages 140.0-153.0

Abstract: AbstractGroundwater has been considered one of the most important sources of water for agricultural, household, and industrial operations in the Kirkuk city. The current study intends to investigate groundwater storage and estimate the hydraulic characteristics of the primary aquifers within the study area. Pumping tests were carried out in (5) water wells using the main observation wells dug in the Bai-Hassan formation and Quaternary deposit. The aquifer types are confined to semi-confined and unconfined based on the diagrams of the drilling wells and the results of the hydraulic characteristics. The saturation thickness of the studied aquifers ranges from 22 to 66 m. The hydraulic conductivity values varied from (19.29 to 70.79 m/d), while the highest transitivity value is 1758.58 m2/day. The storage coefficient values were ranged between (0.0002059 - 0.074). The flow net map was generated by monitoring groundwater depths from 22 wells drilled within the region of interest. The water table depths range from (1.5 m) to (31 m) below the ground surface. According to the groundwater flow map, groundwater in the region flows mostly from the north and northeast to the southwest and moves parallel to the Kassa River.


Hydrochemical Assessment and Groundwater Quality of Eastern and Western Catchments of Erbil City, Northern Iraq

Hana Jalal, Rebwar Dara, Shevan Jirjees, Bashdar Saber, Peshawa Ismael (Author)

July 2024 ,Pages 154.0-176.0

Abstract: This study aims to determine the physiochemical properties of water quality which is essential for assessing its suitability for various purposes, including livestock, building, agricultural and drinking water supplies.Water well samples were collected from different wells during two periods, the first period is considered a minimum recharge period (drought) in November 2021 and the second period is considered a maximum recharge period (wet) in May 2022; 36 samples (18 from the eastern part, 18 from the western part) for each period.Water sample collections were made for the purpose of hydrochemical study which involved the analysis of major cations, anions, the salinity, temperature, electrical conductivity, and pH. The accuracy of the water sample analysis shows that all of the samples are useful for the hydrochemical interpretation. Aquifer sediments and abundant soils are considered to be the major sources of cations and anions, whereas the fertilizers, municipal wastewater and irrigation-return flows are additional contributors of Mg2+, Na+, K+, Cl-, SO42- ions. The concentration of major ions decreases slightly in the wet season due to excess rainfall which normally dilutes dissolved elements. Generally, the concentration of physiochemical parameters, cations, and anions in the eastern part is lower than in the western part because the eastern part is considered a recharge zone of the basin. The soil formation and depth of wells could also be a significant factor.


Evaluation of Land Cover Changes in Karbala Governorate Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques

Ali Kadhim, Rabab Abood, Ahmed Mahdi, Alaa Khalaf (Author)

July 2024 ,Pages 177.0-185.0

Abstract: Evaluating the land cover changes is a critical issue for the process of environmental sustainability strategies. This study evaluated the landcover changes in Karbala Province during the last two decades using Landsat images based on the supervised maximum likelihood classification (MLC) method. The primary goal of this research is to demonstrate the landcover changes trend in Karbala Province in the metropolitan region during the last two decades. Land cover was classified into four categories using supervised classification using two satellite imagery. The first one is Landsat 7 for the date 2001 and Landsat 8 for the date 2021. The results showed a noticeable increase in the urban category, associated with a decrease in the water cover. Additionally, a significant expansion occurred in the urban category at the expense of agricultural lands and the groves category. This expansion has resulted in the unplanned growth of settlements and the difficulties that go with it. These are the primary negative consequences of this region's increasing urbanization.


Evaluation Of Geometric Deformation Due to CO2 Injection in Selected Reservoirs in Iraq

dhiaa saleh, Mohammed Mahmood (Author)

July 2024 ,Pages 186.0-194.0

Abstract: In the last decade, the repercussions of global warming in Iraq have become more severe., scientists proposed storing carbon dioxide as it is the most greenhouse gas resulting from fossil fuel burning. As a result of the repercussions of injection operations, problems emerged related to the failure of the reservoir ‘s seal. The study created a model and applied a Simulation of the process of injecting carbon dioxide gas into the reservoir for a specific period. the computer modeling program (CMG) was carried out to study the distortions occurring as a result of increasing the hydrostatic pressure of the pore fluids on the seal. The study proved the results of secondary porosity due to the fracture of the rock structure two years after the injection process at a rate of 200 thousand cubic meters per day into the reservoir. The Barton Bandel model was used to diagnose permeability, as it was proven that the geometric deformation in the rock structure of the seal is proportional to the permeability resulting from the failure of the seal.


Comparison Among Subsurface Linear Features of Residual Gravity Fields at the Eastern and Western Parts of Central Iraq by Applying the THD Filtering Technique.

Ahmed Al Banna, Hayder Majeed (Author)

July 2024 ,Pages 195.0-211.0

Abstract: In this study, upward continuation technique is considered as a clean filter because it produces no side effect like other filters which are used in used in processing in order to acquire residual gravity data in the western and eastern regions of the central part of Iraq. The residual anomaly maps achieved to 2km, 12km, 16km, and 22km upward elevation levels. The approximate equivalent depth of detection for the four upward continuation elevation levels generally ranges (1.6, 10, 13 and 18 km respectively) in relation to the upward continuation elevation. The Total Horizontal Derivative (THD) technique applied to the residual anomaly maps In order to identify the subsurface linear features (faults or source boundaries) for the two studied parts. The THD measures the lateral rate of change of the measured gravity field. It is useful to detect the edges and delineate the boundaries (Faults), where the peak values occur over the edge of block. The most lineament trends in western part area are in the NW-SE direction, and ,while lesser trends were in the direction NE-SW. The N55W, N45W, and N35W trends percentage is 51% of all lineaments in the western part. The percentage of the three mention trends for the four considered levels range 48-60%, where the percentage value increase with the deeper lineaments, this may indicate the faults in the sedimentary cover affected by the basement rocks.


Mineralogical Implications of The Middle to Upper Jurassic Succession at Sargelu Village in Sulaymaniyah City, Northeastern Iraq

Rebwar Rasool, Sarmad Ali, Ali Al-jubory, Harry Rowe, Giovanni Zanoni (Author)

July 2024 ,Pages 212.0-230.0

Abstract: The present study focuses on mineralogy of the middle to upper Jurassic Sargelu, Naokelekan and Barsarin formations form northeastern Iraq to elucidate the implications of mineralogical variation for interpretation of provenance and climatic condition. The results from X-ray diffraction supported by scanning electron microscopy has revealed the presence of calcite and dolomite as dominating minerals followed by quartz and feldspars in addition to pyrite, anatase and natrolite. The clay minerals are dominated by illite-mica, kaolinite and mixed layers of illite/smectite (I/S), illite and kaolinite are of detrital origin while I/S is of diagenetic origin. Variation in mineralogical constituents reflects the effect of source area composition, depositional environment and diagenesis and the prevailing climatic conditions. Calcite commonly was formed in restricted evaporative conditions. Felsic igneous rocks from Zagros ophiolites and related igneous rocks, and/or Arabian Shield are suggested for the presence of detrital quartz and feldspars in addition to weathering from older clastic sedimentary rocks. Illite-mica and kaolinite as common clay minerals which also reflect the contribution from felsic igneous rocks and the prevailing hot dry and humid climatic conditions which coincided with a global paleoclimatic conditions. Pyrite forms under reducing environmental conditions. The presence of illite/smectite, natrolite and pyrite suggest the effect of diagenetic events on the studied rocks.


Seismic, Petrophysics, and Attribute Analysis to Evaluate the Tertiary Reservoir in the High Folded Zone, Kurdistan Region-Iraq

Kakarash Gardi, Bakhtiar Aziz, Ezzadin Baban (Author)

July 2024 ,Pages 231.0-260.0

Abstract: The present study is intended to evaluate one of the oil-bearing horizons in the “WN” oil field within the High Folded zone in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, which represents a carbonate reservoir of the Tertiary units. Also, the picking and mapping of two other horizons of interest from the top and bottom of the reservoir horizon were done across the area. This work was achieved using 3D seismic data, check shots, and well logs. The methodology involved several processes including data loading, well seismic tying, horizon and fault identification and interpretation, velocity modelling, time-depth conversions, petrophysical analysis, and 3D properties modelling. Isochron and depth maps for three horizons and two isopach maps were constructed. An asymmetrical doubly plunging rollover anticlinal closure with a length of 6.4 km and width of 3.5 km is identified on the reservoir maps that trend in the East-West direction. Faults were identified and extracted manually and automatically. A total eighteen of minor reversal faults striking the northern flank of the anticlinal closure were interpreted. Variance, Chaos, and Ant Tracking attributes were selected and applied successfully helped to better visualize fractures and automatic fault extraction. Petrophysical Analysis and cross-plots demonstrated that the reservoir consists of dolomite, lime dolomite, and anhydrite limey dolomite. The petrophysical properties revealed the average of each effective porosity, secondary porosity, permeability,


Iraqi National Journal of Earth Science (2025)


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